Dr. Libor Rouček

Bývalý europoslanec

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28.01.2014 22:22:23

EU-Russia summit: S&D Group stress "we must find ways to work together"

EU-Russia summit: S&D Group stress "we must find ways to work together"

The S&D Group in the European Parliament welcomes today's EU-Russia summit in Brussels as a timely opportunity to assess the state of our strategic partnership and its future direction.

Libor Rouček, S&D vice-president and the Parliament's rapporteur for EU-Russia relations, said:

"The S&D Group supports the EU's policy of critical engagement with Russia. Given our mutual interdependence, further progress in all areas of bilateral relations remains of vital importance. The EU-Russia strategic partnership is also essential to a range of international issues, such as the Syrian crisis or negotiations on Iran's nuclear programme.

"In the light of recent developments, however, we believe it is imperative that the EU and Russia engage in a frank and constructive conversation on issues relating to our shared neighbourhood. But any such dialogue must be based on acceptance of the fundamental principle of sovereignty and the independence of our neighbours to choose political and trade alliances. External coercion or pressure from Russia is unacceptable and only breeds political instability, as it has in Ukraine.

"We cannot allow the region to become an area of zero-sum strategic competition for influence. After all, the EU and Russia share a common interest in a stable and well-governed neighbourhood. Therefore, we must find ways to work together, including on regional stability, and explore possibilities of making the respective integration processes more compatible."

Zdroj: www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu, 28.1.2014

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