Dr. Libor Rouček

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16.10.2013 21:26:18

EU-Ukraine association agreement should be signed in Vilnius

EU-Ukraine association agreement should be signed in Vilnius

The S&D Group in the European Parliament welcomed the decision to extend the mission of former European Parliament president Pat Cox and former Polish president Aleksander Kwaśniewski to Ukraine until mid-November.

The Group strongly supports the association agreement and related deep and comprehensive free trade agreement (DCFTA) with Ukraine at the upcoming Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius next month.

Libor Rouček, S&D vice-president for enlargement and neighbourhood policy, said:

"The work of former presidents Cox and Kwaśniewski in Ukraine is of crucial importance. We express our hope and confidence that it will soon lead to a mutually acceptable solution to the case of Yulia Tymoshenko, on the basis of the letter sent on 4 October to the president of Ukraine.

"We also commend the significant progress made by Ukraine in meeting the EU's conditions, in particular with reforms of the judiciary and the prosecutor's office, changing the criminal code, and improving electoral legislation. We especially welcome the fact that legislation for reform is being passed with cross-party support in the Verkhovna Rada. This momentum needs to be sustained so that the association agreement and DCFTA can be signed in Vilnius. A new chapter in bilateral relations – and, I believe, in Ukraine's history – is about to open."

Zdroj: http://www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu, 16.10.2013

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