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23.05.2013 17:04:21

Need for constitutional reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina say S&Ds

 Need for constitutional reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina say S&Ds

Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament call for constitutional reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The European Court of Human Rights ruled that the current constitution discriminates against minorities.

 S&D Euro MP Emine Bozkurt commented:

"The constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina should be reformed immediately to give all citizens equal rights. The leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina had to make a credible effort, but deadline after deadline has been missed and so far they have failed badly. We cannot call elections fair and free when not all citizens have equal rights to representation. That is a minimum requirement for democracy and a basic civic right. Next year there will be elections so time is running out."

Said S&D vice president for enlargement and neighbourhood policy, Libor Roucek:

"Given the legacy of conflict and the complexity of its state institutions, nobody expected Bosnia and Herzegovina's road to EU membership to be easy or straightforward. As the progress report makes clear, formidable challenges remain: in ensuring fundamental rights, building-up institutional capacity, strengthening the rule of law and fighting against corruption.

"Reforms must go faster and deeper. This, in turn, requires functional institutions and a more consensual and inclusive style of politics, with the European integration process at its core.

"From our perspective, the persistence of deep-seated problems is not an excuse for inaction. Rather, it means we must redouble our commitment and support for their membership aspirations. Without Bosnia and Herzegovina, EU's enlargement agenda – and Europe itself – remains incomplete."  

The S&D Group in the European Parliament cannot support the call to suspend Bosnia and Herzegovina from the Council of Europe.  Emine Bozkurt continued:

"Without the European Court of Human Rights where else could citizens go to enforce their basic human rights if they are violated?"

"80% of the population in Bosnia and Herzegovina wants to be part of the European Union. They want peace and welfare, and for their human rights to be respected. These demands transcend ethnicity. It is their leaders who are failing their own citizens. Immediate action from the government is required, not for the sake of EU membership, but for the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina."


www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu,  23.5.201
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