Dr. Libor Rouček

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26.06.2013 15:04:11

S&Ds congratulate Albanian left-wing alliance on election victory

S&Ds congratulate Albanian left-wing alliance on election victory

Sunday's general elections in Albania have given a clear victory to the country's left-wing alliance, consisting of the Socialist Party of Albania (PS) and the Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI).

 With around 97% of the votes counted, the coalition has so far won 85 seats of the 140 seats in the Albanian parliament.

Hannes Swoboda, president of the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament, commented on the election outcome:

"I congratulate Edi Rama and the Socialist Party of Albania, as well as Ilir Meta and the Socialist Movement for Integration on their clear election victory. Together, they offered the Albanian people a real alternative. I am confident that this new progressive government will tackle the challenges Albania faces, particularly corruption, which is still widespread, and economic difficulties.

"Albania is committed to EU membership and the new government has committed to continuing on the path to joining the EU. It is now time to accept Albania as a candidate so it can start to work towards a European future.

"I regret the tragic death of a political activist on the day of the elections. Yet again the process was overshadowed by irregularities, including an unstable Central Electoral Commission. The election process has greatly improved from previous times but it is not yet fully compliant with European standards."

Libor Rouček, vice-president of the S&D Group in charge of foreign affairs, added:

"Following the victory of the PS and the LSI, we hope to see close co-operation with the opposition to ensure Albania can get candidate status for EU membership without delay."

Zdroj:http:// www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu, 26.6.2013

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