Dr. Libor Rouček

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21.09.2011 10:01:30

Libor Rouček: Od získání samostatnosti se vztahy Arménie a EU významně zlepšily

Libor Rouček: Od získání samostatnosti se vztahy Arménie a EU významně zlepšily

Místopředseda EP Dr. Libor Rouček na oficiální návštěvě Arménie, článek v Armenpress, jazyk angličtina

18:43, 20 September, 2011

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 20, ARMENPRESS: Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan received today Vice-Chairman of the European parliament Libor Rouček, who has arrived in Yerevan to participate in celebrations dedicated to RA Independence Day.

Press service of Armenian Foreign Affairs Ministry told Armenpress that welcoming the guest, Edward Nalbandyan expressed gratification on prospering Armenia-EU relations, noting that the parliamentary format has played a huge role in that issue.

Libor Rouček, congratulating Edward Nalbandyan on RA Independence Day, stressed that during the independence years Armenia's relations have seriously developed with both EU and EU member states and have a large potential of expansion.

Edward Nalbandyan and Libor Rouček also referred to inter-parliamentary contacts and discussed issues on the activity of "Euranest – parliamentarian platform of cooperation between EU states and Western neighbors.

Armenian Foreign Minister presented to Vice-Chairman of the European parliament the latest developments of settlement of Artsakh conflict.


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