Dr. Libor Rouček

Bývalý europoslanec

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14.05.2012 16:42:45

Místopředseda EP:„Naším společným cílem je pomoc Ukrajině přiblížit se k EU“

Místopředseda EP:„Naším společným cílem je pomoc Ukrajině přiblížit se k EU“

Zdroj: Interfax-Ukraine, 14.5.2012, jazyk: angličtina

Vice president of EU Parliament: 'Our common goal is to help Ukraine get closer to EU'

A common goal for all political parties in the European Parliament is to help Ukraine get closer to the European Union, Vice-President of the European Parliament and Member of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Libor Roucek has said.

"A common goal for all political parties represented in the European Parliament – be it the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats or the Group of the European People's Party – is to see Ukraine as close to the European Union as possible," the Regions Party's press service quoted him as saying on May 11.

He said that Ukraine had declared the European vector of its foreign policy and that Europe is ready to help it in this endeavor.

"Ukraine is in the process of modernization, trying to reform the economy, society and political system. But in the last few months, the situation with former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko has gained a negative connotation," Roucek said.

He said he was confident that the resolution of this question depends entirely on the Ukrainian state.

"We're just trying to help Ukraine advance on its path of reform and democracy, so that it could get closer to the European Union," Roucek said.


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