Dr. Libor Rouček

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26.10.2012 23:07:26

S&D Group welcome EP resolutions on the elections in Georgia and Belarus

S&D Group welcome EP resolutions on the elections in Georgia and Belarus

Zdroj: Tisková zpráva Skupiny S&D v Evropském parlamentu, jazyk angličtina


Libor Rouček, S&D vice-president for foreign policy and enlargement, stressed the significance of the democratic, smooth and peaceful transition of power in Georgia in the October 1 elections. "For a young post-Soviet democracy, this represents a major and unique achievement."

Rouček also welcomed the positive early signs of co-operation between the new government and the president, but called on both sides to sustain and deepen it to ensure political stability and to pursue broad-based reforms including measures to tackle social inequality and bolster workers’ and social rights.

"We are encouraged by the new government’s commitment to pursuing Euro-Atlantic integration while seeking normalisation of relations with Russia. We are also hopeful that the parliamentary elections will inject new momentum into the conflict resolution process in the occupied regions of Georgia."


Rouček expressed deep disappointment over the conduct of the parliamentary elections in Belarus on September 25, which were neither free nor fair.

"The S&D Group believes the elections represented yet another missed opportunity for the regime in Minsk to demonstrate a modicum of commitment to European values and to end its self-imposed isolation."

"We call on the Belarus authorities to immediately release all political prisoners. We are particularly appalled by the detention of opposition political leaders, such as the head of the independent social democratic movement in Belarus, Nikolai Statkevich, as well as journalists and civil society activists."

The S&D Group continues to believe that EU policy should combine targeted sanctions, openness toward dialogue and assistance with modernisation, and vigorous support for the Belarusian people and civil society, including through providing funding to human rights campaigns and independent media, or by easing visa restrictions for ordinary people.

Dimitris Komodros, 26.10.2012, www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu

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