Dr. Libor Rouček

Bývalý europoslanec

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30.05.2013 15:24:37

Europoslanci: EU potřebuje mít v Kišeněvě partnera

Europoslanci: EU potřebuje mít v Kišeněvě partnera

EU needs a partner in Chisinau, MEPs

 Continuation of reforms and a pro-European Government represent the only chance of signing the Association Agreement and the Free Trade Agreement this autumn, MEPs Jacek Protasiewicz and Libor Roucek said while in Chisinau on a visit. They stated that if Moldova misses the chance of signing the Association Agreement, this opportunity can be lost for a very long time, IPN reports.

Libor Roucek said the European Union is concerned about the political situation in Moldova. “A Government is needed. There are two days and a half left until Thursday. We hope it will be voted in,” said the MEP.

Jacek Protasiewicz underlined that the EU is open to Moldova and the Moldovans. “A partner is needed in Chisinau – a Government that will be devoted to the principle of European integration,” said the European official. He added that the Republic of Moldova must return to the pro-European policy.

The MEPs arrived in Chisinau on Sunday, May 26, and left the next day. The declared goal of the visit was to hold talks with Moldova’s leaders on how to overcome the present political crisis. While in Chisinau, the MEPs met with Prime Minister designate Iurie Leanca and other representatives of the former Alliance for European Integration. Experts said that the negotiations on the creation of a parliamentary majority and formation of the new Government held by the PLDM and PDM on May 27 reached stalemate.

Zdroj: ALLMOLDOVA.COM, 28 may 2013

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