Předseda Evropského parlamentu Martin Schulz vyjádřil hlubokou soustrast pozůstalým teroristického útoku v Nice, kde podle dostupných informací zemřelo 84 lidí poté, co řidič nákladního automobilu vjel do davu na promenádě, kde stovky lidí slavily výročí pádu Bastily. .
Vyjádření předsedy Evropského parlamentu k útoku v Nice v původním znění z 15. 7.:
"This morning, I would like to express my deep sorrow following the attack last night in Nice.
On behalf of the European Parliament, I would like to extend my condolences to the families and friends of the many victims. I send my wishes for a speedy recovery to the injured. I commend the courage and solidarity of both the emergency services and ordinary citizens of Nice.
Those who have committed this act of appalling cowardice chose a symbolic date, a moment which is special for French people and their national heritage.
Our determination to fight against terrorism, in France, in Europe and throughout the world is not deterred.
Physical and psychological wounds will be slow to heal but I call on the French people to stand strong and united against these acts of hatred. France should not surrender its values of freedom, equality, and fraternity."

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