Dr. Libor Rouček

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21.11.2013 15:22:58

European security and defence policy: time for closer co-operation

 European security and defence policy: time for closer co-operation

In today's plenary session, the European Parliament adopted a report on the implementation of the European security and defence policy (CSDP) and the Parliament's positions for the future of European security and defence.

 This topic has attracted a lot of attention since the European Council decided to include discussions on security and defence in the forthcoming December 2013 summit.

S&D MEP Maria-Eleni Koppa, the Parliament's rapporteur for the report, said:

"An effective European security and defence policy can guarantee our citizens' well-being, prosperity and welfare. For that reason we want a European Union which can provide protection and security for its neighbourhood but at the same time is able to exert a global influence where our values are at stake on issues of international peace and global security, and respect for human rights, international law and effective multilateralism.

"This report on the implementation of the CSDP is an important step towards guaranteeing a secure, prosperous and sustainable future.

"Heads of state and government must show leadership on this issue at the next meeting of the European Council."

Libor Rouček, S&D vice-president for foreign policy, said:

"Despite the economic crisis and cuts in defence budgets, the EU remains uniquely equipped to be a global player. It possesses all the necessary military capabilities, economic resources and technological prowess. What it needs is the political will of member states to pool them, and a forward-looking strategy to underpin Europe's security policy in a fast-changing world. Both will be in focus at the December summit: the first high-level discussion on defence issues since the onset of the crisis. It is an opportunity not to be missed."

Zdroj: www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu, 21.11.2013

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