Dr. Libor Rouček

Bývalý europoslanec

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06.02.2014 15:42:49

S&D Group urges all sides to work for political compromise in Ukraine

 S&D Group urges all sides to work for political compromise in Ukraine

The S&D Group welcomed the Parliament's joint resolution on Ukraine, adopted today by the plenary in Strasbourg.

Libor Rouček, S&D vice-president for enlargement and neighbourhood policies, said:

"The key message of the resolution – and a consistent position of the S&D Group – is that inclusive political dialogue is the only way out of the crisis. All other alternatives carry a grave risk of further bloodshed and instability.

"We strongly condemn the outbreak of violence and urge the Ukrainian authorities to refrain from further repressive measures against peaceful demonstrators, and to properly investigate the human rights abuses of the past weeks.

"At the same time, opposition leaders should do their utmost to contain the extremist, ultra-nationalist and violent elements of the protest movement.

"A political compromise must be reached – ideally based on a credible constitutional reform process and an interim power-sharing arrangement – to pave the way for free and fair elections, and for Ukraine's return towards European integration.

"We commend the active efforts of EU foreign affairs high representative Catherine Ashton and commissioner Štefan Füle to facilitate dialogue and bridge the gulf of mistrust between the parties.

"The EU must keep the door open for Ukraine to sign the association agreement and deep and comprehensive free trade agreement (DCFTA), once it is ready to do so. In the meantime, we must stand ready to offer economic assistance to Ukraine – in co-operation with other international institutions – given the fast-deteriorating financial and social situation in the country.

"However, in the event of further escalation of repression against protesters – such as the imposition of a state of emergency – the EU should also be prepared to consider the introduction of targeted sanctions, such as freezing assets and suspending visas, against individuals implicated in violence and human rights abuses."

Zdroj: www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu, 6.2.2014

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