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23.05.2013 17:06:04

Better to postpone Skopje decision than risk country "walking away"? say S&Ds

Better to postpone Skopje decision than risk country "walking away"?  say S&Ds

The S&D Group firmly believes that, after four years as a candidate country, it is high time for Brussels to proceed to the next stage of the European integration process with Skopje.

 The comment was made as the European Parliament votes on its annual resolution on the country's progress towards EU accession today (Thursday 23 May).

Said S&D Euro MP and rapporteur Richard Howitt:

"A further refusal from Europe's Council of Ministers to set a start date for EU accession negotiations with the Government in Skopje, could see the country "walk away" from the European Union altogether, 

Calling for urgent progress on the country's name dispute with Greece, Richard Howitt MEP added:

"Europe is rightly welcoming progress between Serbia and Kosovo.  Those leaders didn't have to show less courage than what is required today between leaders in Athens and in Skopje.

"Indeed I fear it is only progress on the name issue, which can now keep hopes alive in June."

Warning EU Governments who may set a start date for negotiations with Serbia, having done so last year with Montenegro, Richard Howitt MEP added:

"Do you understand that when you are in a queue and find yourself continually pushed past, getting further and further from the front, at some point you walk away from the queue altogether?

"What I do know is that this is a country and a people who deserve a chance."

Said S&D vice president for enlargement and neighbourhood policy, Libor Roucek:

"We call on the Council to grant a date for the opening of accession negotiations without further delays. It is our long-standing positions that bilateral disputes should not hinder the EU's enlargement policy. Equally, however, we call on the Government in Skopje to refrain from nationalist rhetoric that would undermine the pursuit of good neighbourly relations.

"Having overcome the political crisis of early 2013, the country is regaining its democratic credibility. Much remains to be done - in the rule of law, administrative capacities, media freedom or inter-ethnic relations - but these issues could and should be addressed in the framework of accession negotiations." 


www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu,  23.5.2013

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