Dr. Libor Rouček

Bývalý europoslanec

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19.11.2013 13:37:46

Successful local elections bring both Serbia and Kosovo closer to the EU

Successful local elections bring both Serbia and Kosovo closer to the EU

The S&D Group welcomes the orderly conduct of rerun local elections in the three districts of Kosovska Mitrovica on Sunday as a major step forward in the normalisation of relations between Serbia and Kosovo.

 Libor Rouček, S&D vice-president for enlargement and neighbourhood policies, said:

"The successful conduct of Sunday's elections is a milestone in the normalisation process. It adds further momentum to the implementation of the April agreement and brings both Serbia and Kosovo closer to the EU. It also marks a historic moment for communities in northern Kosovo, who will now have a legitimately elected local council to represent their interests.

"The S&D Group also commends the political elites in Belgrade and Pristina for their constructive and positive approach to the electoral process. It shows that both parties are firmly committed to the normalisation process.

"The successful local elections must now be followed by accelerated progress in the European integration process. It is therefore important that an inter-governmental conference to open EU accession negotiations with Serbia is held as soon as possible and that negotiations on a new stabilisation and association agreement with Kosovo come to a swift conclusion."

Zdroj: www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu, 19.11. 2013

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