Prezident republiky Václav Klaus zaslal ve středu dne 12. května 2010 blahopřejný dopis Davidu Cameronovi, který byl jmenován do funkce předsedy vlády Spojeného Království Velké Británie a Severního Irska.
Dear Mr Cameron
I would like to congratulate you on your appointment as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This is also an opportunity to congratulate the Conservative Party which – under your leadership – won the elections and will have governmental responsibility. You know that this is a result which has many fans in the Czech Republic, and I am among them.
I wish you every success in forming a government and let me assure you that I am prepared to work with you in strengthening the bilateral relations between our two countries in all areas, and – most importantly – in supporting our common interests in the European Union and at the other international forums.
Should you be able to attend the EU-Latin America summit in Madrid on May 17-18, 2010, in which I will take part as head of the Czech delegation, I would be pleased to meet with you and continue with our discussion in more detail.
Once again, please accept my congratulations and my best wishes for your success as new British Prime Minister. I am looking forward to meeting you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Václav Klaus
President of the Czech Republic