RNDr. Miroslav Kubásek, Ph.D.

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29.08.2018 8:36:23

The World Cleanup Day

The World Cleanup Day

“150 countries cleaning up on the same day? No problem!” – this is the motto of a worldwide cleaning campaign. Czech organizers of the World Cleanup Day keep the ambitions of the movement high. They want to involve 5% of the country’s population.

On the World Cleanup Day, millions of people in 150 countries will face the challenge of the global waste problem by cleaning up roads, parks, beaches, forests, and rivers. According to many, 15 September 2018 is likely to become the world’s largest volunteer event in the history of the Earth. The Czech coordinators have ambitious goals for this day: “On 15 September, we want to involve 5% of the Czech population in cleaning urban spaces as well rural areas” said Miroslav Kubásek, Czech team leader of the World Cleanup day and organizer of the Let’s clean up the Czech Republic.

The original idea for the Worldwide Cleanup day arose from a spontaneous national Estonian initiative “Let’s Do It!” in 2008. 4% of the Estonian population actively volunteered and cleaned the whole of Estonia in just five hours. Since then, the idea of a nation-wide cleaning has spread to more than 100 countries on all continents. The association called “Let’s clean up the Czech Republic” [“Ukliďme Česko”] has officially been the national coordinator for the World Cleanup Day and for other events aimed at raising environmental awareness in the Czech Republic for five years. 113,000 people participated in its spring event called “Let’s clean up the world, let’s clean up the Czech Republic”.

Volunteers can register on www.UklidmeCesko.cz. “We will provide them with the same service that we provide for volunteers who participate in our year-round cleaning activities. We will distribute cleaning bags and gloves for those, who do not bring their own,” add Miroslav Kubásek. People can find the interactive map of places where the cleanup will take place on the official website of the event www.SvetovyUklid.cz.
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