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29.04.2014 21:24:11

European Socialists and Democrats delegation in Ukraine urge unity and inclusion

European Socialists and Democrats delegation in Ukraine urge unity and inclusion

A high-level delegation from the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament, are in Kiev today to see the situation on the ground and meet with high-level leaders.

 The delegation, consisting of S&D president Hannes Swoboda, vice-presidents Libor Rouček and Göran Färm, and member of the Parliament's EU-Ukraine co-operation delegation Tonino Picula, met with presidential candidates Petro Poroshenko and Serhiy Tigipko, as well as high-ranking officials and civil society representatives. 

The delegation will meet with the acting Ukrainian president and prime minister today before travelling to Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine for meetings with local authorities, trade unionists and civil society. 

After meeting presidential candidate Petro Poroshenko the delegation stated:

"The situation in Ukraine, particularly in its eastern regions, remains fragile and highly volatile. There have been brutal attacks against demonstrators and the mayor of Kharkiv, reports of torture and assassinations, and administrative buildings are still under occupation in several eastern towns. 

"The Geneva agreement must be implemented. Russia has so far not used its powers to de-escalate the situation, despite its commitments to the international community to do so. Mr Putin may not expect anyone to trust his words anymore but this strategy will not pay off in the long term, as the Russian economy is already showing. The additional sanctions adopted by the EU yesterday were unavoidable and will further contribute to this deterioration.

"Instead of contributing empty words, we urge Russia to contribute observers to all OSCE and election observation missions, and to base its declarations on facts rather than emotions. 

"Ahead of the presidential elections on 25 May, the Ukrainian government must continue to work for the unity of the country through the inclusion of all citizens in Ukraine. The proposed path of decentralisation could be a way to empower regions and cities while ensuring national unity.

"It is crucial that the presidential elections will be free and fair, and that legislative elections are held soon, ideally during 2014, to complete the political renewal in Ukraine and give citizens a democratic choice for their future." 

 Zdroj: www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu, 29.4. 2014

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