Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy lituje nešťastně zvolené formulace v dopisu, která mohla způsobit nynější nesprávné interpretace.
MŠMT nemůže předjímat a ani nepředjímalo výsledek toho, jakým způsobem budou informace upravené. V současné době je podnět vyhodnocován. Dle Ministerstva zahraničních věcí nevyjadřují údaje v atlasu zahraničněpolitické pozice České republiky.
V této otázce je rozhodující stanovisko MZV:
Statement of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport concerning School Atlas Data Editing
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MEYS) of the Czech Republic has received information on inaccurate data contained in one of the school atlases. It has, therefore, immediately started assessing the contents of the notice, bearing in mind that any information incorporated in the atlas concerned is the outcome of work of its author, the publisher’s specialist editor and reviewers. If any teaching aid is revealed to comprise inaccurate data, the MEYS may point it out or take a decision whether the publication in question can be granted the so called endorsement of the MEYS or not.
The MEYS regrets the unfortunately unclear wording contained in its letter that may have stimulated the current misleading interpretations. The MEYS cannot and has not anticipated the outcome of any possible future data adjustment. The information received by the MEYS is currently being assessed. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, any data contained in the school atlas do not express the foreign policy positions of the Czech Republic.
The conclusive opinion on the matter in hand is expressed in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ statement:
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autor: Tisková zpráva