Dr. Libor Rouček

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12.12.2013 19:53:52

S&D: "We express our solidarity with peaceful protesters in Ukraine"

S&D: "We express our solidarity with peaceful protesters in Ukraine"

The European Parliament today expressed deep concerns about the escalation of violence in Ukraine and called on the authorities to promote peaceful dialogue rather than violence.

MEPs voted on a resolution on the outcome of the Vilnius Summit and the future of the Eastern Partnership, where the position of Ukraine is now in doubt.


Commenting on the situation, S&D Group president Hannes Swoboda said:

"The offer of signing an association agreement with the European Union remains open – but for this we need a reliable partner. So far, President Yanukovych has not been a reliable partner. 

"We want to express our full support and solidarity with the peaceful protesters in Kiev's Maidan Square. The crowds that are demanding the rule of law and closer ties with Europe are clearly expressing the will of the Ukrainian people.

"We condemn in the strongest terms the violence used against peaceful protesters. Reports that armed security forces have randomly seized the property and data of political parties are another worrying indication that the Ukrainian government may not be serious about trying to find a solution but just buying time until the next incidents." 

Libor Roucek, S&D Vice-President for neighbourhood and enlargement policies, said:

"In Ukraine, the immediate priority is to avoid violence and start a genuine and inclusive political dialogue. The government must honor its promise to refrain from further use of force against peaceful demonstrators, and focus on rebuilding trust and credibility with opposition forces, civil society, and the EU." 

"The authorities' commitment to dialogue and compromise is also of central importance to the future of Ukraine's European integration. The Association Agreement with Ukraine remains on the table. The EU also stands ready to help Ukraine address its difficult economic situation. However, for the process to move forward, it is absolutely essential that Ukrainian authorities show restraint and openness to address the demands of civil society, in line with European values." 

"We commend HR/VP Catherine Ashton for constructive work to support a peaceful solution to the crisis. The EU must stay closely engaged in the process, possibly through a more structured and longer-term mediation mission." 

Zdroj: www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu,  12.12.2013

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